Supply Leaders Academy

Blog categorized as Success

Supplies Management by Reuben Ochieng

28.12.16 12:20 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
sla-logo-2015030smallpng2If you get cheap products from your suppliers, you are likely to make more profit. This does not mean that you sacrifice quality for cheap products. What you must understand is that you can continue providing quality services to your customers while at the same time acquiring them at a better price ...

Office Supplies Management by Jamie R Lyons

26.12.16 12:06 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
sla-logo-2015030smallThe best office I have ever worked in when it came to the office supplies, was many years ago when computers were in their infancy, and regularly we had to have ribbons for typewriters, Tippex and carbon paper, as well as the more common items of today such as pens, rulers, erasers and paperclips, t...

Supply Management - The 7 Steps to Getting Value From Your Key Suppliers by Stephen C Carter

16.12.16 07:58 AM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
recruit-paper-icon-greyIn supply management you get value from your key suppliers by agreeing a purpose for your relationship with them and then translating this into objectives, targets, measures and specific actions that deliver that purpose. If you don't do this then their failure to deliver real value either goes unno...

Tips for Better Lab Safety Supplies Management by Lukman Nulhakiem

14.12.16 07:51 AM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
maze-arrowSuccess in managing laboratory safety supplies will directly affect the performance of safety in laboratory operation as a whole. Laboratory, which contains various hazardous chemicals, pressurized gases, flammable gases and electrical energy, if not properly managed, could present harmful working c...

10 Steps of a Compelling Sales Page

05.10.16 09:51 AM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
recruit-paper-icon-greyHeres your strategy tip or client attraction, how to get you more clients and leverage you and clone you and make you more money so you can make more money, be more successful, grow your business while working less. About the idea of cloning you - This is what I share with my clients who have gotten...
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