Supply Leaders Academy

5 Reasons Why Female Supply Chain Officers are better

15.07.16 05:45 PM By Randall Mauldin
5 Reasons Why Female Supply Chain Officers are betterThe female professionals are reshaping the landscape of the business industry. In the study conducted by Pepperdine University, women in top positions are beating the industry average in terms of productivity and profitability. Over 52% of managerial positions are held by women, according to a Catalyst, July 2011 report.More women are obtaining MBAs than ever before in history. Yet, although major strides have been made by women in every industry, there are only 28 female CEOs in the Fortune 1000 companies according to the Catalyst, August 2011 report.Source: ForbesConsidering the fact that the male professionals overpower the female population of supply chain professionals, it is undeniable that women supply chain professionals are better when it comes to their work.Here are the top 5 reasons why the female supply chain officers are better:Attention to detailWomen are known for being meticulous when it comes to details. They are capable of scrutinizing every detail of a certain project without missing a thing. No matter how many projects they handle all at once, they are surely capable of examining every detail.Great multi-tasking skillsWomen are great multi-taskers, while men are poor on it. Productivity studies show that women have been constantly involved in juggling household chores, children tasks, while working full-time or part-time.Women are opportunity expertsWomen tend to see opportunity in everything and everyone. According to Forbes, women have the capacity to give their ideas in life and inspire others in the same time. Moreover, women are opportunity experts because they are strategic, focused and they keep their eye on the prize.Women are Networking ProfessionalsWomen can easily build connections. They are masters of navigation when it comes to putting their ideas to the test. They always follow-up and make sure they sow their seeds of ideas in the most fertile networking ground according to Forbes.Moreover, Forbes noted that unlike men, women stick together and protect one another. During the initial stages of networking, women are gracious and generous in their ability to give and open doors for one another. They want to feel as if they are making an impact, helping to make a difference in their lives of others.Women are natural givers Women are better givers than men. Female professionals tend to enjoy living their lives with a cause, and this aids the acceleration of the company’s social aspect. Women are not only concerned with profit, they are socially conscious.These are just some of the reasons why female supply chain officers are better than male professionals. Women are detailed -oriented, great multi-taskers, opportunity experts, and an expert networking professional.For more supply chain tips visit